Amy Lafko: Keynote Bio and Description

Another project in tandem with the Pryority Group, my client Amy called it “desperate times” when she made the decision to work with me.

Amy Lafko's People First Method is transforming organizations and their leadership by shifting the way owners and the leaders view the lifecycle of their employees.

The challenge:

Amy had worked with a copywriter before, and was still struggling to create a compelling bio and description of her keynote speech The Mind of a Leader. 

When you’re so close to your speech and business, it can be hard to pull out the key objectives and write an engaging summary that doesn’t give too much away.

The solution:

My goal for this project was to be as “one with Amy” as I possibly could. For her bio, she completed my personality survey that pulled out stories from her work, life, childhood, and unique experiences.

For her speech, I decided to watch it for myself so I could identify from a fresh perspective what most resonated with the audience.

Through a couple rounds we were able to re-package her keynote bio and speech description into something she’s proud to share when speaking requests come in.

This is the type of work I love to do!

 And it was so sweet to hear Amy say “Juliet will listen and uncover who you truly are. She will bring clarity to your message and provide inspiring copy.”

Get in touch:

Thanks for trusting me with your voice, Amy! If you’d like to see if hiring me for your next project is right for you, get in touch here.


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