Caitlin Renwald - The ICON Package

“You helped me show the best version of myself in a professional way.”

Caitlin Renwald is a marketing strategist and copywriter who partners with mission-driven businesses and nonprofits. She’s a pro at communicating her client’s values and nailing their messaging to inspire action.

Even though as writers our superpower is helping other people find their words, it can still be a challenge to write about ourselves. Imagine that! And with copywriters on every corner… How do you stand out from the crowd?

Caitlin heard my interview “Building a Personal Brand and Showing Up Everywhere” on The Copywriter Club podcast and thought I could help her achieve her messaging goals.

The Challenge: Uncover ICON-worthy messaging

When she first reached out, she said “ I'm still struggling to really ‘sound like myself’ in my marketing. I also don't love my website copy--it's boring. I'm an interesting person, darn it! I want to show up more regularly as myself in my copy. My social posts have a bit more personality, but I know my LinkedIn profile and website copy in particular could be so much better.”

After a quick discovery call where the vibes were vibin’, I was eager to uncover everything that makes Caitlin a total ICON. She really is an interesting person, darn it!

The Solution: Hire a personal brand coach and become an ICON

“You sounded like you offered just what I needed. I thought we would be a good fit to work together.”

Y’all know the first step by now… Caitlin completed the ICON Assessment! In case you’re new, it’s my signature questionnaire to bring her wealth of knowledge and personal experience to the surface.

Her thorough answers were the perfect launching pad for on-target messaging.

Our 90-minute strategy call turned into a valuable brainstorming session where Caitlin expressed that her volunteer time with AmeriCorps was something her audience wanted and needed to hear about.

From there, I completed a personal brand audit to see how she was already showing up online – which was pretty good but could use more highlights of her volunteering experience to connect with her clients.

We optimized her LinkedIn profile so it spoke directly to her target audience and zoned in on how she could help her clients connect with donors, volunteers, and stakeholders and drive them to action.

“Juliet gets you. She works hard to understand what makes you stand out, and then she makes you SHINE.”

Since Caitlin wanted some focus on her website copy, I offered her a custom ICON Guide to address high-level messaging from a personal branding perspective.

This focused on how her personal experience ties in with her strategic approach to her work because she knows exactly what it feels like to be inspired and called to take action based on her internal compass.

I also shared the Only Good Gossip-Grabber with her because I noticed her testimonials were good, but not quite showing the transformation that comes with working with her. When prospects can see the difference between relying on subpar marketing initiatives versus having a strategic partner like Caitlin, I trust they’ll be jumping to her contact form.

We wrapped up The ICON Package with her “Show Up” Roadmap to keep the content ideas we discussed easy to access for things like future case studies, LinkedIn posts, or Medium articles.

“I feel much more confident about my LinkedIn profile…the content on my profile now matches the content I post.”

Why I loved this project

Let me tell youuuuuuu, it was SO rewarding to see Caitlin get out of her own head and into owning her awesome. I also loved helping a fellow writer because it reinforced the power of collaboration over competition.

It was fun and fulfilling to see how she emerged as a perfect match for her audience without sacrificing any personality.

Get in touch

Want to showcase your awesome personality, too? Get in touch and we’ll see how to elevate your ICON status.


Diane O’Connell - Website Copy


Corrie Myers - Case-Study-Ception